Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Das Schutz Staffel diaries

So, my daughter and I had our first official "Supervized visit" with Das SS (Buncombe County, North Carolina).  As Usual, her mother brought her in 10 minutes late and only let her bring her blanket and 2 stuffed toys... no juice, no snack, nada.  Almost immediately my daughter asked me for some juice but Das SS would only let her have water (heck, if she was hungry and wanted a snack, I would have been suprised if they only allowed her water).

In attendence was Das SS case worker (lets call her SS... really, those are her initials!!) and the Carolina Outreach "therapist" (break it down... The-rape-ist), NA (really, her initials also... Non-Applicable, lol).  Anyway, from 2:55 (this was supposed to begin at 2:45) until 3:30 my daughter and I sat on a couch in a very sterile room where we read books which I considered VERY inappropriate for a 6yr old.  One was about a girl who wasn't allowed to dress like herself and another telling children not to whine, and not in a polite manner either!.  During this time, SS and NA just sat in the room with us and took notes quietly, all dour looking and such.  

At 3:30 we were informed that we'd have to go outside and play as the room was booked for another parent/child visit.  Um... I have this room until 3:45.  What if it was raining or snowing?  Was there a real playground?  Nope, just a public green downtown.  

Fine, we'll go outside, thankfully it's nice out and we got to play a bit though it was uncomfortable as we both knew we were being observed and critiqued.  About 10 minutes into our time, a couple VERY close friends were walking by and came up to say hi... keep in mind we're on a public, city green.  It was great to see our friends (one a prominent EMT, the other a very well-known nanny/caregiver) but I had to let them know that my daughter and I were on a "schedule" and I nodded toward our guards.  They understood and moved on (I'll see them tonight at a birthday party).  Well, you can imagine what Das SS had to say about THAT... "No visitors for the prisoner!  Swinehund!".

At 3:45 I was told to say good-bye to my daughter.  When I informed SS that I was entitled to a full hour with my daughter it was very apparent that I was cutting into someones personal bon-bon eating time but she had to concede as the visitation trully didn't begin until 2:55 (I'm a stickler for detail with these Nazi's).

At 3:55 we were reminded that it was time to go.  Obviously, my daughter wasn't happy about this and I was trying to tell her that it was okay, that she'd see me next week and to be good for her mother (not what I wanted to say but I'm not the one trying to corrupt my daughter).  The good-bye obviously wasn't easy for my daughter and when SS tried to RUSH things along I politely and quietly told her that I would handle this (not easy for me to do, mind you).  It was at this point that this "woman" began raising her voice and making demands... in front of my daughter... on a public green... in front of her office.

I won't pretend it was easy for me to control my temper but I did (through the grace of God himself otherwise it would've been a very different end to my day).  I said good-bye to my daughter (and of course she cried a little) and was preparing to vacate the premisis when this woman had the audacity to grab my arm to inform me that we would be having a meeting next week where I was not to bring any toys, books, drinks, snacks, etc.  We'd be in a confrence room devoid of anything which would entertain a child.

Hell-Fire!  Why don't we just get on with it and go into a concrete room with one light and a few metal chairs!

This is how Buncombe County, North Carolina Department of Social Services / Child Protective Services conducts business with a straight, white, Christian, single, drug-free father who's been continually victimized by his ex-wife.  Who, by the way has a (not-so hidden) adgenda to take my daughter to Canada with her Canadian National "husband" to live because of  their anti-American views.

Stay tuned... it'll get better as we go along I'm sure.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Revamped, updating and changing format

Welcome to the new format for my own (now personal) blog!  God help us all...

You may notice that it's not quite the same... I took all the old posts out, archived them and saved them on an external drive somewhere in the mess that is my office as I felt it time to move on to make this a bit more pertinent and active (not to mention personal).  Consider it my alternative venting outlet (much better than the one I really want).

Instead of the old outdoor ministry updates, anecdotes and planned trips, things around here may be a bit more random and personal.  This could be a good thing... it may come back and bite me in the proverbial butt.  Oh well.  Welcome to my world (as dark as it can be).

For some background for anyone new to here...
I originally started this blog as the home-base for an outdoor ministry I started back on '08.  For a while, things went great.  I wrote down some pretty profound stuff (hence why I kept the archives) and maybe changed a few lives in some minuscule way.  Due to some personal and political snags and hypocritical actions which arose due to a number of  religious leaders' "issues" I removed myself and my ministry from the public (maybe for the time being, maybe for good).  I haven't turned my back on what the Lord has in mind for me and I certainly haven't given up on my love of doing His work in the outdoors however.  I've just re-focused my efforts (for the time being) to more "here and now" topics.  Minor things like, oh, I dunno... surviving this life and raising my daughter?

This may seem a bit selfish and what some would call "not following His plan" but it's how I feel I'm being turned... I've become heavily involved with my county Rescue Squad, made sergeant, got certified in Search and Rescue and have enrolled in EMT classes and have been constantly fighting to keep the ability to spend time with my daughter (a whole other subject for another blog).

Since joining the squad, I've had the pleasure to meet some of the most amazing and good-hearted individuals anyone could hope to know.  Not all of them are Christians... heck, even some of the Christians aren't that "religious" but as far as I'm concerned, you don't have to profess devotion to a certain theology to be a good person, leading a good life and doing good work.

So... I've decided to make this a bit more personal.  At times, it may take this blog down some rather dark paths (laurel thickets).  Other times, it'll go to some amazing places / insights (high ridges).

We'll see where it goes